DevAligntm Global
Keeping Operations Aligned as Business Evolves

If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing."  
W. Edwards Deming

For an organization to be successful in the long term, it cannot sit still … it must continually change and improve. The DevAlign system provides a dynamic framework for documenting processes and keeping operations aligned as an organization evolves.  And because it is an open source, Intranet based system, it can easily evolve as you do.

The DevAlign system is based on the concept of continuous improvement, with the customer as the primary focus.

The Continuous Improvement Concept

Business strategy defines the organization’s desired future state along with values, goals and objectives for meeting the customer needs.

Plans define the tactics for realizing the strategy, given available resources and operational parameters.  Processes  define what you currently do to implement the plans ...  the road maps for getting where you want to be.

Knowing what you currently do and where you want to be, operations can be analyzed to identify gaps and improvement opportunities.  Barriers to achieving desired results are identified; and people performing the work are involved to gain broad based insight and support.

Related DevAlign Components

Planning Toolbox
transforms plans into living documents, providing visible guidance for daily operations.

Resource Manager with history tracking provides an integrated solution for managing documents and other resources

Process Flow Diagrams identify work activities, job relationships, controls and related resources.   Narratives are displayed in floating pop-up windows to explain each process as the diagram is viewed. 

Analysis Toolbox provides resources to help analyze, improve and innovate.

People and Jobs provides dynamic generation of job descriptions.

Improvement opportunities are then executed and coordinated with all parties in a systematic manner using the Change Manager.  

Once changes have been implemented, results are measured and monitored; and modifications made as needed until desired results are achieved. 

Change Manager / Corrective Action System tied to process coordinates and communicates change activity among all impacted parties.

Measures/Indicators provide for monitoring of process performance.

Processes are then standardized, and lessons learned shared with others throughout the organization through training and other means. Training Manager provides dynamic generation of training content from current operations.
But because customer requirements are constantly changing, they must be continually monitored and fed back into this never-ending cycle of continuous improvement. 
Other components are also included, and more can be added as needed to address each organization's unique requirements. Disaster Preparedness templates link to each process for any time access from any location.

Operational Policy provides guidelines within which a company operate.
For more information or a Web demonstration, call us at (978) 540-0388.

View a brief system Overview

See how DevAlign saves you time and money

Calculate your Return On Investment (requires Excel)

See how it supports SAS70 and Sarbanes-Oxley

See how it promotes social responsibility

See how to go mobile with DevAlign Global

See how to "DMAIC" your processes

The DevAlign system is a Licensed product, Patent No. 8,312,054
Deva Industries, Inc.
Phone: 978.540.0388
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