The Client Feedback System (ProListen) was created to help companies obtain systematic feedback on their
performance to improve operations and better serve clients. ProListen is
an integrated component of the Devaligntm System, for generating custom surveys and collecting client
feedback. Surveys can be administered via web form, email, or printed
formats, and linked directly to processes and and/or Change/Corrective
activity. Once feedback is collected, it can be immediately analyzed using
the integrated graphical report manager, or exported to Excel for further
The generic surveys included with the system cover:
- Client Support Follow-up: For general follow-up with a client, vendor or staff member after a
contact has occurred requiring support
- Sales Performance: To
probe why sales efforts are successful or unsuccessful
- New Client Service: To
obtain feedback on the new client conversion process and first 90 days
of service, obtaining information about personnel, products and services

- Existing Client Services:
For periodic distribution to obtain feedback about company personnel,
products and services
- Client Termination Issues:
To explore reasons why client relationships end
The Client Feedback system is currently under development with expected
release in late 2009.