Deva is a designer of custom instructional programs, using the Instructional Systems
Development (ISD) Model created at Florida State University. The Model is used by many
companies and the United States Government and Military for creating education and
training curricula.
Deva designs education and training products for traditional and computer delivery.
Computer based programs include testing and management components to assist those
responsible for instructional oversight.
The general ISD model shown below provides an overview of the process steps.
Step 1. The audience
analysis is conducted to determine the characteristics of the universe of individuals who
will receive education / training, so the end product can be designed to meet their
capabilities. Step 2. Each job is
described in detail, along with the identification of prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Step 3. Jobs are analyzed and
broken into discreet tasks, along with their sequence of execution and relationship to
other jobs/tasks.
Step 4. Relative to the
jobs/tasks, behavioral objectives specifying learning outcomes are developed defining Behaviors
to be performed, Conditions under which they are to be executed and the Standards
of performance. Also, evaluation methodology alternatives are created to determine
whether the required learning has occurred. |
Step 5.
Based on the results of Step 4, alternative instructional methodologies and instructional
settings are evaluated for maximum learning/skill development.Step
6. The results of Step 5, along with economic constraints, are
used to create a Plan of Instruction (POI) which specifies the content, sequence, time,
evolution and media for instruction. This may include one or a combination of delivery
Step 7. Actual instructional
products are created.
Step 8. Products are then
tested with a representative audience sample to determine effectiveness for meeting
desired outcomes. Comparing outcomes primarily with Steps 4 and 3, adjustments are made as
necessary and beta tested again, if necessary.
Step 9. The validated
instruction is placed in operation and monitored. Based on the validated
information, there is a constant feedback to review all the previous steps and updates are
implemented as required.
Examples of instructional products provided
by Deva include:
Deva educates/trains customer personnel in the use of products. Further, Deva trains
customer personnel in the design and development process so they may become
Be sure to read our study on "The Promise
of Instructional Technology".