Using her creative and unique Olettm characters, Lea Frazier brings to life the Bible Stories in a way no other author/illustrator has. This graphical depiction of the traditional tales provides a fresh, new perspective, to be enjoyed by both young and old alike.

| the Olettm Christmas Story
Description: | The angel Gabriel informs Mary that she will give birth to God’s son Jesus. When Mary tells her fiancé Joseph, he becomes upset. But Gabriel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that all is OK, Mary’s baby is the son of God. So Mary and Joseph get married. When Mary is heavy with child, she and Joseph must travel to Bethlehem for a census. Unable to find lodgings there, they sleep in a stable where Mary gives birth to the baby Jesus. Angels announce the birth to shepherds, who come to worship the child. Wise men from afar also come bearing gifts and are guided to the child by a star. And so it was that the first Christmas came to be.
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| the Olettm Story of Naaman
Description: | Naaman was a captain of the Aramean army who had a skin disease (leprosy). He goes to the prophet Elisha of Israel who cures him of his disease by having him wash in the Jordan river seven times. The prophet refuses to accept any payment for providing the cure because it was done in the service of God. But Elisha’s greedy servant, Gehazi, runs after Naaman and demands payment instead. Elisha sees what Gehazi does and punishes him by inflicting the skin disease upon him and his family forever.
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| the Olettm Story of Moses: The Plagues on Egypt
Description: | The story of Moses has been passed down through many generations, but it has never been told quite like this. The Olet story of Moses is a wonderful way to introduce a child to the incredible journey to free the slaves of Egypt.
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